Monday, November 3, 2014


           (Casper, WY) -- There are many good ways -- and many simple ways -- to eat healthy over the holidays. That was the message shared by nutritionist Karla Case of the University of Wyoming Extension Office during "Senior-Wise", the weekly informational and discussion program at the Casper Senior Center. "It's not unusual to take in 3000 calories a day during the holidays," she said, "and if you do that every other day between Thanksgiving and New Year's you can see how easy it is to put on those holiday pounds."

                She suggested a number of steps we all can take to keep from over indulging during the last several weeks of the year. We can start by doing something as easy as using smaller plates at meals, since we usually stop eating when our plate is empty. "It's also important to eat slowly," she noted, "because it takes about twenty minutes for our brain to register that our stomach is full." She also urged eating with the non-dominant hand. "I'm right handed but I find if I eat with my left hand I eat more slowly," she said.

                If you're headed to a holiday party, Case said you can keep your appetite under control by planning ahead and eating a healthy snack before you leave home. A healthy muffin, fruit dish or yogurt parfait can help you from being overly hungry when it's time to eat. Once at the party, keep in mind that liquid calories also count. "A single holiday drink can have as much as 400 calories," she warned, "and for some people that can represent 20% of their daily intake."

                She also pointed out several ways to prepare holiday meals that are lower in calories and healthier without affecting the taste. "Instead of sugar, try using honey or pure maple syrup on a 1:1 ratio," she said. "Instead of salt, you can substitute herbs like basil, thyme and Italian seasoning," she said. "And you can cut down on the fat is many dishes by using yogurt or apple sauce on a half-and-half basis with vegetable oil."

                More holiday nutritional information is available by contacting Karla Case at the University of Wyoming Extension Office. Senior-Wise is held Tuesdays at 12:30 at the Casper Senior Center.

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